Friday, September 7, 2012

In Which I Make a Guest (Blog) Appearance

Great Horned Owl, adjusting to his new
flight rehabbing space.
Earlier this week Heather Kelly posted a blog entry featuring Jane McGonigal's TED talk on the importance of gaming.  It's a great talk, one that made me an instant Jane McGonigal fan -- and one that also got me thinking about games and gaming.

My thoughts on gaming appear on Heather's blog today as a Guest Post.  (It's my first time Guest Posting and I'd appreciate you checking it out and leaving a comment!)

I've been a longtime game player.  Games have helped me develop a sense of self, self-confidence, and been an important part of various friendships along the years.  That Jane McGonigal says that ten years of research proves that games and gaming is good for us -- better, in fact, than many other activities -- just makes me smile all the moreso.

(You should also check out Jane's appearance on The Colbert Report with one of my Heroes in Life, Stephen "Speaks Truthiness to Power" Colbert)

If you aren't following Heather's blog, Edited To Within An Inch of My Life, you should.  She hosts an annual writing contest to coincide with the Tour de France call, unsurprisingly, the Tour de Writing.

And while you're there, wish her luck this weekend.  She's competing in her first triathlon!

-- Tom