Chances are, if you're reading this, you're one of those ten million people. After all, Goodreads attracts readers, especially readers with opinions on the books they have read and/or who are interested in the opinions of other readers. And I'm guessing you have an interest in reading if you're here.
Goodreads does a lot of things right. The web site is easy to use, it allows you to create a list of books you have read and books on your To-Be-Read list, and it allows you to create reviews -- reviews that are immediately linked to the title that can be read by anyone who visits the site. Oh, and like Evernote, Goodreads is FREE.
I try to leave reviews for most of the books I read. In part, this helps me to hone my critiquing skills, and, in part, it helps me to pull together my thoughts on a book. This process of pulling together my thoughts has kept me from leaving feedback on a book for several days -- my review of Michael Hyatt's PLATFORM was the most recent example of this. There were parts of PLATFORM that I liked so much that I actually took notes from the book (a first for a book of this type) but there were also parts that I wasn't so crazy about.
Goodreads also allows you to '"Follow" (think Facebook "Like") authors. From my list of Followed authors I get a weekly email that gives me updates to their author blogs. It's a nice feature that keeps me up to date on what they're doing.
I'm fivecats over at GoodReads. If you're interested, send me a Goodreads friend request. Mention that you read this entry and I'll be sure to add you.
Do you use Goodreads? What do you like or not like about it? Do you use any of the other book-oriented social software sites? What do you think about them? I'm genuinely curious.
-- Tom
Phong Cn · 106 weeks ago